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RNA-Seq from any organism using probe-free rRNA depletion

Tuesday, 27th October, 2020
14:00 to 15:30 EST


RNA-Seq from any organism using probe-free rRNA depletion | Avantor
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RiboFree: Universal Probe-free Depletion

RNA-Seq is a powerful tool that allows researchers to effectively digitize the transcriptome of a biological sample. However, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) transcripts typically comprise between 80% and 90% of all cellular RNAs and must be eliminated from RNA-Seq libraries for researchers to efficiently analyze the remaining 10% of biologically relevant sequences. 

Oligo(T)-mediated mRNA-enrichment and probe-based ribosomal depletion are the two of the most common methods used to eliminate rRNA reads from RNA-Seq libraries. In the former, only mRNA transcripts with sufficiently long poly-adenylated tails are captured, and in the latter, high concentrations of species-specific DNA probe-sets are used to capture and eliminate complementary rRNA transcripts.  Both of the methods introduce off-target bias into RNA-Seq data.

Zymo Research has developed a novel probe-free rRNA depletion method which is effectively free of bias and best preserves the original transcriptome profile of a sample. We find that the probe-free method is universally applicable to any species, even across samples representing organisms from different biological kingdoms and phyla. Probe-free universal depletion is integrated into Zymo-Seq Ribo-Free™ Total RNA Library Kit.

Presented by


Byron Gardner

Byron Gardner studied Neuroscience at Emory University, where he examined variation in chromatin accessibility in reward areas of the brain. His major focuses have been in molecular genetics and bioinformatics. He started working in RNA-Seq research and development for Zymo-Seq in 2020, and he currently works on rRNA depletion technology.