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6701 results for "1,7-dibromopentane"

6701 Results for: "1,7-dibromopentane"

Anti-H3 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody

Supplier: Genetex

Histones are basic nuclear proteins that are responsible for the nucleosome structure of the chromosomal fiber in eukaryotes. Nucleosomes consist of approximately 146 bp of DNA wrapped around a histone octamer composed of pairs of each of the four core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4). The chromatin fibre is further compacted through the interaction of a linker histone, H1, with the DNA between the nucleosomes to form higher order chromatin structures. Covalent modifications of the canonical core histones, including acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, and monoubiquitination, are used to mark nucleosomes to create chromatin domains with a range of functions. The information encoded by the modifications can contribute to the formation and/or maintenance of transcriptionally active and inactive chromatin in response to various signalling pathways. A diverse and elaborate array of post-translational modifications including acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, ubiquitination, and ADP-ribosylation occurs on the N-terminal tail domains of histones. Phosphorylation of histone H3, referred to as the nucleosomal response, is localized to a small fraction of highly acetylated H3 and occurs primarily in response to mitogenic and stress stimuli.2, 3, 9-12 Phosphorylation of histone H3 on S10 is tightly correlated with chromosome condensation during both mitosis and meiosis. Phosphorylation at this site is also directly correlated with the induction of immediate-early genes such as c-jun, c-fos, and c-myc.

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UVP GelStudio and GelStudio touch 12 MP Imaging Systems, Analytik Jena

UVP GelStudio and GelStudio touch 12 MP Imaging Systems, Analytik Jena

Supplier: Analytik Jena CA

The UVP GelStudio touch and non-touch are gel documentation systems which use a 12 MP camera for high sensitivity imaging for DNA gels, protein gels, Coomassie Blue, GelGreen, SYBR Green and a wide range of genomic applications.

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Quick-RNA™ Kits, Zymo Research

Quick-RNA™ Kits, Zymo Research

Supplier: Zymo Research

Isolation of RNA from cells and soft tissues.

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Let’s enhance safety by considering personalized protection equipment (PPE) solutions tailored to your team, processes, and products.

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NanoPhotometer® N120-TOUCH UV/Visible Spectrophotometer for 12 Sample Multichannel NanoVolume Applications, Implen

NanoPhotometer® N120-TOUCH UV/Visible Spectrophotometer for 12 Sample Multichannel NanoVolume Applications, Implen

Supplier: IMPLEN, INC. CA

Implen has become the leading expert for innovative, high-quality spectroscopy instruments and the NanoPhotometer® is trusted by thousands of researchers worldwide.

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Sera-Xtracta™ HMW DNA Kit

Sera-Xtracta™ HMW DNA Kit

Supplier: Cytiva

Sera-Xtracta™ HMW DNA Kit offers magnetic bead-based extraction and purification of genomic DNA from whole blood.

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NanoPhotometer® N120-MOBILE UV/Visible Spectrophotometer for 12 Sample Multichannel NanoVolume Applications, Implen

NanoPhotometer® N120-MOBILE UV/Visible Spectrophotometer for 12 Sample Multichannel NanoVolume Applications, Implen

Supplier: IMPLEN, INC. CA

Implen has become the leading expert for innovative, high-quality spectroscopy instruments and the NanoPhotometer® is trusted by thousands of researchers worldwide.

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ssDNA/RNA Clean & Concentrator™ Kits, Zymo Research

Supplier: Zymo Research

Quick (10 minute) method for separating, cleaning, and concentrating short (< 200 nt) ssDNA or RNA.

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Quick-RNA Plant Kit, Zymo Research

Quick-RNA Plant Kit, Zymo Research

Supplier: Zymo Research

Quick-RNA plant miniprep kit is designed for rapid isolation of RNA from various plant samples such as leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruits and seeds.

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innuPREP Plant DNA Kit, Analytik Jena

innuPREP Plant DNA Kit, Analytik Jena

Supplier: Analytik Jena CA

The innuPREP Plant DNA Kit has been specially developed for quickly and easily isolating DNA from an extremely wide variety of plant starting materials (such as leaves, stems, roots, flowers, etc).

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Quick-DNA/RNA™ Blood Tube Kit, Zymo Research

Quick-DNA/RNA™ Blood Tube Kit, Zymo Research

Supplier: Zymo Research

The Quick-DNA/RNA™ Blood Tube Kit is designed for use with the DNA/RNA Shield™ - Blood Collection Tube (R1150), enabling worry-free sample storage at ambient temperatures. The purification procedure uses Zymo-Spin column technology.

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Glassware washer accessories, FlaskScrubber® and SteamScrubber®

Supplier: Labconco

There is a wide selection of accessories to customize your glassware washer to your specific needs and applications. These racks and accessories are for use with Labconco FlaskScrubber®, SteamScrubber®, FlaskScrubber® Vantage glassware washers. Racks and inserts are stainless steel unless otherwise stated.

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