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Pierce™ Co-Immunoprecipitation Kit, Thermo Scientific
Pierce™ Co-Immunoprecipitation Kit, Thermo Scientific
Catalog #: CAPI26149
Supplier:  Thermo Scientific
CAS Number:  
Co-Immunoprecipitation Kit
Pierce™ Co-Immunoprecipitation Kit, Thermo Scientific
Catalog #: CAPI26149
Supplier:  Thermo Scientific
CAS Number:  


  • Description:
    Co-Immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) Kit
  • Size:
    50 reactions
  • Storage temperature:
    4 °C
  • Supplier No.:
  • Sufficient For:
    50 Reactions using 25 µl of resin


About this item

Pierce™ Co-Immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) Kit provides covalent antibody immobilization and all the components necessary to perform a properly controlled co-IP experiment without antibody interference in the final product.

  • Covalent attachment method and non-reducing elution system
  • Covalent antibody immobilization allows prepared IP resin to be reused
  • Underivatized agarose beads can be used as negative control for non specific binding
  • Co-IP method is compatible with any physiological protein sample buffer
  • Perform co-IP experiments using any purified antibody regardless of species or Ig class.
  • No dependence on Protein A and Protein G affinity binding

Co-IP is a common approach to study protein:protein interactions that uses an antibody to immunoprecipitate the antigen (bait protein) and co-immunoprecipitate any interacting proteins (prey proteins). This kit covalently couples antibodies onto an amine-reactive resin. This kit is configured to provide the essential tools to effectively perform Co-IP experiments in a manner that yields pure IP and co-IP products free of troublesome IP antibody.

Delivery: Kit includes AminoLink™ Plus coupling resin (2 mL), coupling buffer 20X, (25 mL), sodium cyanoborohydride solution 5M, (0.5 mL), quenching buffer (50 mL), wash solution (60 mL), IP lysis/wash buffer (2x50 mL), modified Dulbecco's PBS 20X, (25 mL), conditioning buffer 100X, (5 mL), elution buffer, (50 mL), lane marker sample buffer 5X, (5 mL), spin columns, screw cap (50 columns), microcentrifuge collection tubes (100 tubes), (2 mL), microcentrifuge collection tubes (50 tubes), (1.5 mL) and control agarose resin (2 mL).
Caution: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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