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2909 results for Educational Materials

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Educational Materials

A comprehensive catalog of education materials, instruments, and tools available through VWR allows users to more effectively teach subjects of biology, physics, language arts, chemistry, earth science, forensics, math, and environmental studies. Many interdisciplinary kits allow students to match skills across a variety of subjects in order to better absorb key concepts and procedures. Educational materials are designed to be durable and user-friendly for accessibility with users of all levels.

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Maxwell's Wheel

Maxwell's Wheel

Supplier: VWR International

A Classic!

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Equilateral Prisms

Equilateral Prisms

Supplier: VWR International

For all Optical Applications

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Capillarity Apparatus

Capillarity Apparatus

Supplier: VWR International

The Capillarity Apparatus is intriguing demonstration of molecular attraction.

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New Release! Explore the latest edition of FOCUS: Organic Synthesis today!

Read about the importance of small molecules and heterocyclic compounds in anti-cancer drug design. Plus different aspects of synthetic methodology.

Discover trends, advancements and innovations

Deluxe Loop the Loop

Deluxe Loop the Loop

Supplier: VWR International

Instantly transform potential energy into kinetic energy.

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Fruit and Potato Clock

Fruit and Potato Clock

Supplier: VWR International

This LCD clock keeps time using potatoes, soda, or plants.

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Newton’s Color Disc

Newton’s Color Disc

Supplier: VWR International

What Happens When You Combine All Colors of Light?

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Freefall Apparatus

Freefall Apparatus

Supplier: VWR International

New Design for More Accuracy

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Essential Physics Demo: Venturi Tube

Essential Physics Demo: Venturi Tube

Supplier: VWR International

Investigate the relationship between the speed of a fluid and its pressure

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Solar Cell

Solar Cell

Supplier: VWR International

Show How Direct/Indirect Sunlight Provides Power

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Tuning Fork Activator

Tuning Fork Activator

Supplier: VWR International

The activator is specifically designed for use with tuning forks.

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Magdeburg Hemispheres

Magdeburg Hemispheres

Supplier: VWR International

Employs Guericke’s Method for Demonstrating the Force of Atmospheric Pressure.

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Economy Rod-Mounted Pulley

Economy Rod-Mounted Pulley

Supplier: VWR International

Excellent for Introductory Mechanics Studies

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Tuning Fork Set

Tuning Fork Set

Supplier: VWR International

Scientific tuning forks are designed for acoustic research, sound wave analysis, and calibration standards.

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Fundamentals of Physics Collision Cart

Fundamentals of Physics Collision Cart

Supplier: VWR International

Students explore conservation of momentum with real-world machinery in this Collision Cart.

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Center of Gravity Paradox

Center of Gravity Paradox

Supplier: VWR International

Hands-On Learning

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Atmospheric Pressure Cups

Atmospheric Pressure Cups

Supplier: VWR International

Demonstrate the Force of Air Pressure Without a Vacuum Pump

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CENCO® Rotational Platform

CENCO® Rotational Platform

Supplier: VWR International

Teachers can present high-intensity demonstrations in rotational inertia or experiment with forces involved with a bicycle gyroscope with this Rotational Platform.

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Pneumatic/Hydraulic Jack Set

Pneumatic/Hydraulic Jack Set

Supplier: VWR International

This working model hydraulic/pneumatic jack shows how hydraulic or pneumatic systems can multiply forces.

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Moment of Force Apparatus

Moment of Force Apparatus

Supplier: VWR International

The Moment of Force Apparatus contains everything needed to study principles of mass, levers, moments, forces, and equivalence.

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Four Wheel Dynamics Carts

Four Wheel Dynamics Carts

Supplier: VWR International

These heavy-gauge aluminum carts come completely assembled with low-friction ball bearing wheels and space to carry five ordinary bricks.

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Low Frequency Generator

Low Frequency Generator

Supplier: VWR International

Reliable and User Friendly

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21st Century Balance

21st Century Balance

Supplier: VWR International

This balance is the first major advancement in teaching simple machines in decades.

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Optical Bench, 1.8 m

Optical Bench, 1.8 m

Supplier: VWR International

This is a complete optical bench system at an affordable price.

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Mystery Density Activity Set

Mystery Density Activity Set

Supplier: VWR International

Demonstrates the relationship between mass and volume.

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Rotary Engine Model

Rotary Engine Model

Supplier: VWR International

Close-Up Cross Section.

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Planck's Constant Determination Box

Planck's Constant Determination Box

Supplier: VWR International

This box shows Planck's Constant in action.

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Kinetic and Potential Energy Track

Kinetic and Potential Energy Track

Supplier: VWR International

Clear, Concise Demo of Conservation of Energy

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Boyle's Law Apparatus

Boyle's Law Apparatus

Supplier: VWR International

This apparatus makes it easy for students to learn about Boyle's Law.

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CENCO® Complete Pendulum Set

CENCO® Complete Pendulum Set

Supplier: VWR International

Bring your physics equipment into the 21st century with the new CENCO complete pendulum set.

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Ball-Bearing Clamp Pulley

Ball-Bearing Clamp Pulley

Supplier: VWR International

Smooth-running ball-bearing clamp pulley for use with inclined planes, force experiments, or demonstrations of work and machines, this durable, lightweight plastic pulley fastens to surfaces up to 18 mm thick.

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