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Case Study: Custom-Engineered Pump for Peripheral Arterial Disease Treatment | Avantor

Case Study: Custom-Engineered Pump for Peripheral Arterial Disease Treatment

Masterflex® team helps design high-pressure pump for innovator of peripheral arterial disease treatment


An innovator in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) treatment needed a high-pressure pump to power a plaque removing turbine and a second waste removal pump. The device was going to be used with diabetic patients to prevent low extremity damage that could result in amputation. The customer needed a complete pump and motor solution in less than 8 weeks.


The Masterflex® Solution

The project was scoped with our engineering team. The design and prototypes were delivered in less than 6 weeks. The new pump delivered more than 1.5 times the pressure needed to satisfy the customer requirements. A complete custom pump system was developed. The Masterflex® Medical OEM Pump System, shown on the right, is designed for high pressure OEM medical device applications. It can be custom engineered into medical devices to be used for medical applications such as PADs, irrigation, ablation liposuction, and other applications.

Value Delivered

The custom pump delivered the robust performance needed for this demanding application. Our fast response allowed the customer to maintain their product launch schedule.

The new custom pump design saved the customer $700 over the previous design for an estimated savings of $200,000 annually.